First Review: Natural Pacific Real Floral Rose Toner

By Raudhatus Syifa - 01.27

Let me share my experience about skincare.
i'm such a girl who loves skincare products. Everytime i read or watch a review about a hype product, i want to buy it right at the moment.
i've tried so many skincare product, such as toner, essence, moisturizer, eye cream, face oil etc.

Maybe it's too late to share my review. 
But i feel worst if i'm the only one who get the benefit from this products.
Sharing is caring bruh!

First, you have to know that i'm a girl with tan skin (I'm proud of my skin color 😜😜) 
but this skin is so dry, it makes my face getting flaky and it's peeling, sometimes.
but Thanks God i'm not an acne prone.

So here it is, one of the best seller toner in Korea

The brand called Natural Pacific (NACIFIC), it's a new brand in Korea, they are using herbs and nonchemical  things in their products.
Natural Pacific is aiming to produce naturalistic goods for healthy skin using valuable ingredients from pure nature on the basis of scientific proof

Natural Pacific
Real Floral Rose Toner

I don't think that i have to explain what toner is. right?

I bought it for IDR 190.000 from Uneedetude (find it on instagram) and I've been using this toner about 2 months. Nacific has two variant toner, it's rose and calendula. Rose for dry skin and calendula for oily skin.

The texture is watery, such as a rose water. so when you use it on your face, it dries and absorbs quickly.
I love the smell of this toner, ROSE! and yes,it has rose petals in it. This rose scent is super soft and makes my skin more calming.

I got this texture pict from

They said that it can 
-Minimize skin irritation
-Fresh cleansing
-Cleanse makeup residue
-Cleanse residue in the pore

-Moisturizes skin
-Makes skin look and feel healthier and radiant

How to use this products? easy ~
I got this how to use pict from
After 2 months using this product at night, i feel that my skin is getting better.
My skin is moist and a little bit glowing.
My skin feels so soft too
This product does its job very well on my skin😍

I highly recommend you to try this product, it's worth the money and it's worth the hype !

Sorry i have no cons for this products haha

If you want to buy this product, just check @uneedetude on instagram.
it sells korean product and original!

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